Nordvang Custom Mid Air

kr 4790,00

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Produktnummer: NVC-MA Kategori: Stikkord: , , ,


Nordvang ønsket å fange tonen og feelingen i TubeScreamer-siden til Gravity-pedalen, men legge til et lag med funksjonalitet. Så i stedet for å lage en vanlig singel TS-klone bestemte Henrik Nordvang seg for å skape en ny plattform , med stablede kretskort, som tillot å klemme så mye tone som mulig inn i en kompakt pedal, og samtidig åpne døren for fremtidige design i samme format. Med to fotbrytere, fem knotter og to vippebrytere har man virkelig mange muligheter.TS-kretsen er basert på den klassiske TS-10, og leverer denne mellomtonetunge lyden til fulle, men med moderne oppgraderinger som gjør den mer allsidig og til og med kan appellere til de som ikke typisk foretrekker en TS-pedal.

Boost-delen er en OP-amp drevet clean boost, som er plassert foran drive-delen i pedalen. Den kan også brukes uavhengig.

En intern switch lar deg velge mellom buffered- eller true bypass.

Unscrew the lid and you will find a 4-way dipswitch for further tweaking the tone of the TS side.

  1. Clean output boost. If you primarily use the TS at a lower gain setting and always wished you had a tad extra output on tab, this is for you.
  2. Clipping: Open setting, removes the clipping diodes from the circuit. If you seek the most dynamics and least compression.
  3. Clipping: Dipswitch 3 and 4 gives you a variety of clipping diode settings. Choose between symmetrical clipping, using either 2 or 4 diodes, or two different options for a 3-diode asymmetrical clipping structure, with the higher clipping threshold on either the positive or negative half cycle.
  4. Clipping: See #3


The boost circuit is pre-drive and can be used independent of the main drive circuit. It’s a “clean” boost built around an op-amp and not meant to color or change your tone but give you more of what you already got. The boost knob controls the gain of the boost circuit, from unity with the gain at minimum to an 18dB boost, with the gain knob at max. On the front you also find a three-position toggle switch labeled “eq” which gives you three different voicings to choose from. Full frequency, low-mids and high-mids.


Instead of just going with the buffered bypass from the TS-10, which consists of three NPN transistor buffer stages in series, we took another route. We took inspiration from the Gravity, where both the TS and the K-circuit have buffered bypass, which means that with the pedal “off”, you have two buffers in series. We really like the buffered tone of the TS transistor-buffer followed by the K-circuits op-amp buffer.

The new buffer circuit consist of a NPN transistor input buffer with an input impedance of 510K Ohm, like a TS, followed by an op-amp output buffer stage, with an output impedance of 100 Ohm.

Because not every guitarist likes a buffer and, in some situations, true bypass is preferred, we wanted to make the buffer switchable. This is done via a dip switch found on the inside. As an extra feature, if the pedal is set to “buffered bypass” and the power fails, it will automatically switch to true bypass and let signal through. This will also happen if the power fails, while the pedal is engaged.


We use high quality components, Vishay metal film resistors, WIMA audiophile capacitors, Taiway switches and Pure-Tone jacks.

  • Dimensions 4.57 in x 3.03 in (116 mm x 77 mm)
  • Supply current: 100 mA
  • No battery operation
  • Buffered or true bypass
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